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Reactive anthraquinone dyes :

Reactive anthraquinone dyes :

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Reactive anthraquinone dyes :

As in the case of Reactive azo dyes, Reactive anthraquinone dyes contain the chromophoric group (anthraquinone), various auxochromic groups (such as amino, hydroxy and their derivatives) and a reactive system (such as triazinyl and vinyl sulphone systems) linked to the dye molecule throught a bridging group (such as alkyl, aryl amino etc. linkages). The Triazinyl reactive anthraquinone dye, is a typical example of this type of dyes. The dye is prepared by the condensation of one mole of bromamine acid with one mole of metaphenylenediamine-4-sulphonic acid and further condensation of the product with cyanuric chloride.