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Drimarene K

Drimarene K

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This is the remaining popular “cool water” fiber reactive dye. It requires higher temperatures still than Cibacron F, but does not require steaming. Instructions for Drimarene K dyes can be found at Batik Oetoro; they are very similar in action to MX type dyes, except for requiring a minimum temperature of 35 degrees C or 95 degrees F. Drimarene K dyes may be more commonly available in Australia than Procion MX or Cibacron F dyes, but I do not know of a source for them in the US. The greatest drawback, besides the need to find a warm place for the dye reaction to occur, is the lack of a truly rich red. This is, however, another excellent line of dye for home or studio use. Drimarene K dyes can be commonly found in Europe under the name “Dylon Washing Machine Dye”, not to be confused with Dylon Cold Water dye, which is probably either just Procion MX dyes, or Cibacron F dyes, or a mixture of the two, nor to be confused with Dylon Multi-purpose dye, which is the less commendable sort of dye known as all-purpose dye. 
Drimarene K has optimum temperatures around 60 degrees C (140 F) for most colors, 80 (176 F) for turquoise and a couple of others.