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Types/Classification Of Leather Dyes:

Types/Classification Of Leather Dyes:

by : Rahul Sharma

Types Of Leather Dyes:

Leather  are generally classified as water soluble Acid Dyes, Direct Dyes and Basic Dyes, which are water soluble can be easily applied to Leather imparting good dyeing effect with brilliance of Shades.

Solvent Dyes are also recommended for Leather applications. Sulphur dyes that are insoluble in aqueous solution can also be used using Sod sulphide. Other classification is are as under.

  1. Dip-dye
  2. Surface coloring dye

The surface coloring dye includes finishing dyes and also  those used for spray dyeing that is the Solvent dyes . Dyes that are apt for spray coloring of leather belong to SP series and those that are apt for leather-disseminated coloring are a part of D series.

Leather dyeing involves application of direct and acidic dyes, most often with mordant, in alkaline, conditions. These are normally chosen from the textile dyes. Leather used in apparel making requires overall dyeing wherein the color of the surface area is the same as that of the cut area.