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SODIUM CHLORIDE: Explained Completely

SODIUM CHLORIDE: Explained Completely

by : Rahul Sharma


Sodium Chloride Formula is NaCI. It is alos known as salt.Sodium chloride is the chemical name for salt. Sodium is an electrolyte that regulates the amount of water in your body. Sodium also plays a part in nerve impulses and muscle contractions. Sodium chloride is used to treat or prevent sodium loss caused by dehydration, excessive sweating, or other causes. 


The most common use of Salts is in food. Following are such uses of Sodium Chloride.

1. Food seasoning

2. Enhancing the natural colors of foods

3. Acting as a natural preservative

4. Curing, or preserving, meats

5. Creating a brine for marinating foods

6. Cleaning pots and pans

7. Removing stains and grease